Amazing how everyone of my teaching friends have unfriended me over my support for Luna's proposals and my opposition to the behavior of union members (teacher and otherwise) in WI and IN. And I am supposed to be the closed minded one? The funniest part about it all is that the last one who unfriended me gave me a big ration of crap about not wanting to debate the issues or hear opposing viewpoints when they thought I had unfriended them a couple of days ago and hadn't. (They were actually signed into their spouses account at the time.)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Nullification Hearing
Sadly the Senate State Affairs committee refused to vote HB117 out of
committee. Only Sen Fulcher voted in favor. The rest went against public opinion and muttered no with out looking at the audience. Kudos to Senators Davis and Hill who were men enough to state their reasons for opposition to the bill.
committee. Only Sen Fulcher voted in favor. The rest went against public opinion and muttered no with out looking at the audience. Kudos to Senators Davis and Hill who were men enough to state their reasons for opposition to the bill.
Nullification Hearing
So far only 2 have spoken against HB117. One was a unionista who believed it was the govt's duty was to take care of the people at all costs and the other who mangled and horribly misquoted James Madison.
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
My 13 year old son is receiving a better civics lesson today by attending the Senate State Affairs Committee than any teacher, including myself, could give him in any other setting. Glad he could join me today and has shown interest in the political process.
Nullification Hearing
There has been some great testimony using logic and rational thought. There also has been some emotional testimony that could have been more rational. Overall I give the testimony a B-.
Nullification Hearing
Lots of discussion about effects on private business as well as
consritutionally mandated state rights vs federal authority.
consritutionally mandated state rights vs federal authority.
Nullification Hearing
Sponsors have stated that this bill implements the Florida court decision that declared Obamacare unconstitutional and directs state agencies to not from implementation.
Nullification Hearing
Sponsors have stated that this bill implements the Florida court decision that declared Obamacare unconstitutional and directs state agencies to not from implementation.
Nullification Hearing
Waiting for the hearing to start. I even brought the oldest boy so he could see how the process works.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
I thought I had already set that option but apparently not. Thanks for the reminder.
Idaho Senate Passes 2 of the 3 Education Reform Bills!
The Idaho Senate has passed 2 of the 3 education reform bills and sent them on to the House. It appears that the House may wait for the Senate to pass the third before moving forward so the House can deal with all three bills at the same time.
Great Op-Ed by Dr. Peter Lillback Entitled Who's the Next George Washington, and What Will He or She Look Like? (On Glenn Beck's Website)
This is a great piece giving us all something to think about as we move into the next election cycle.'s-the-next...-like's-the-next...-like
If "Students Come First" is So Horrible, Where's the Counter-Proposal?
Having waded into the "Students Come First" controversy and seen the reaction from opponents, it makes me wonder how many of them have actually read and understand the proposals that Superintendent Luna has put forward. All I have heard is name calling, mudslinging, and references to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust as rebuttals to the proposals. With this type of reaction from opponents my best guess would be probably not and what they have only seen/heard are talking points and irrational claims of what the proposals would do should they be passed.
Here is a short list of what I have heard said or been called by opponents of Luna's proposals:
* You're a fascist/Nazi. (Actually fascists and Nazis are/were left-wing political organizations and admired by FDR and many Democrats during the 1930's until the reality of the Final Solution was finally faced. They freely used unions for their own nefarious agenda until they were no longer needed.)
* They came for the unions first then the Jews. (Not sure what this has to do with the issue and only makes the one making the statement look unhinged and irrational. Besides, the last time I checked no one was building a walled compound with "Work Shall Set You Free" above the entry gate.)
* Luna wants to destroy and turn the education system into private schools that we will have to pay to have our children educated in. (Reality check. We parents already pay to have our children educated. It's called paying taxes! There is no magical government fairy that pays the bill for us.)
* Luna's plan will take away the rights of the teachers. (Slavery is illegal in the United States the last time I checked. Besides the teachers will still have their jobs and will not be forced or coerced to engage in activities without pay. Let's not forget that the Constitution guarantees certain inalienable rights. None of which relates to collective bargaining, unions, or guaranteed pay/benefits.)
* Luna wants to go to all online education and get rid of teachers and school buildings. (Huh? That one just doesn't make any sense at all and is completely unattainable.)
* This is all about busting up the teacher's union. (Idaho is a right to work state meaning unions have little to no power here. That would be like blaming a previous president's administration for current problems. If anything, the argument that this is about keeping the teacher's union from gaining too much power would be more appropriate. And considering the budget holes in states with extremely powerful unions, that would be a good thing.)
If "Students Come First" is such a bad proposal then I would expect a well thought out and logical counter-proposal to come from the opponents rather than irrational and emotional outbursts that I have seen to this point. Why are there no counter-proposals outside of the stock responses of increase taxes and give education more money (above the 50-60% of the budget it already gets)? The state has thrown money at education for decades to really no avail. Money is not always the answer, it definitely isn't in this case, and tax increases in this type of economic climate is a non-starter.
I guess it would just be nice to see a realistic counter-proposal from the opponents of "Students Come First." There are some really intelligent educators out there, at least those I know are, and one would think that they could either come up with a full counter-proposal or at least be willing to sit down and carry on a civil debate and discussion on how to change and improve the proposed plan. Emotional and irrational outbursts will not improve the state's current situation, but civil discourse can (as long as it wasn't done on school computers during contract hours).
Here is a short list of what I have heard said or been called by opponents of Luna's proposals:
* You're a fascist/Nazi. (Actually fascists and Nazis are/were left-wing political organizations and admired by FDR and many Democrats during the 1930's until the reality of the Final Solution was finally faced. They freely used unions for their own nefarious agenda until they were no longer needed.)
* They came for the unions first then the Jews. (Not sure what this has to do with the issue and only makes the one making the statement look unhinged and irrational. Besides, the last time I checked no one was building a walled compound with "Work Shall Set You Free" above the entry gate.)
* Luna wants to destroy and turn the education system into private schools that we will have to pay to have our children educated in. (Reality check. We parents already pay to have our children educated. It's called paying taxes! There is no magical government fairy that pays the bill for us.)
* Luna's plan will take away the rights of the teachers. (Slavery is illegal in the United States the last time I checked. Besides the teachers will still have their jobs and will not be forced or coerced to engage in activities without pay. Let's not forget that the Constitution guarantees certain inalienable rights. None of which relates to collective bargaining, unions, or guaranteed pay/benefits.)
* Luna wants to go to all online education and get rid of teachers and school buildings. (Huh? That one just doesn't make any sense at all and is completely unattainable.)
* This is all about busting up the teacher's union. (Idaho is a right to work state meaning unions have little to no power here. That would be like blaming a previous president's administration for current problems. If anything, the argument that this is about keeping the teacher's union from gaining too much power would be more appropriate. And considering the budget holes in states with extremely powerful unions, that would be a good thing.)
If "Students Come First" is such a bad proposal then I would expect a well thought out and logical counter-proposal to come from the opponents rather than irrational and emotional outbursts that I have seen to this point. Why are there no counter-proposals outside of the stock responses of increase taxes and give education more money (above the 50-60% of the budget it already gets)? The state has thrown money at education for decades to really no avail. Money is not always the answer, it definitely isn't in this case, and tax increases in this type of economic climate is a non-starter.
I guess it would just be nice to see a realistic counter-proposal from the opponents of "Students Come First." There are some really intelligent educators out there, at least those I know are, and one would think that they could either come up with a full counter-proposal or at least be willing to sit down and carry on a civil debate and discussion on how to change and improve the proposed plan. Emotional and irrational outbursts will not improve the state's current situation, but civil discourse can (as long as it wasn't done on school computers during contract hours).
Here is the link to the ISDE site for Students Come First.
For those of you that either have not read or unsure about the "Students Come First" proposals, here is the link. It contains general information as well as the actual texts of the legislation.
Idaho State Department of Education - Students Come First:
Idaho State Department of Education - Students Come First:
The True Face and Intentions of Unions and Their Supporters?? I hope not.
Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Thoughts on Superintendent Luna's "Students Come First" Reform Proposals
I support the Superintendent's proposals. I have worked in education, policy, and politics for over a decade and like what I see. As a former member of the education field, I have seen many of the debated issues already in place at the district level (especially class size) initiated by district administration and/or individual school administration whether it was done by official policy or solely through accepted practice. These policies, I believe, will do well in regards to the students and help with potential future budgetary issues.
Having been in the political field for over a decade now whether at the professional, volunteer, or concerned citizen level, it has been a disappointment to see the emotional, rather than a rational, reaction exhibited by educators (in both public and private venues). As a word of advice to educators, such reactions are not helping your cause at all and it is turning public and political opinion against you. The harassment, name calling, and threats made towards Superintendent Luna (and his family), legislators, and citizens who support these reforms is appalling. I personally have been called names, compared to heinous historical figures, and told that I would never work in the education field again if I continued to support the proposed reforms. (If this is how professional educators act when such issues arise, then I have no desire to return to that field whatsoever.) The worst possible course of action that educators could have taken, and did, was the disrespectful testimony and behavior before a legislative committee. This not only made a mockery of the process, but only gained educators unsympathetic opponents both political and public. This behavior alone was enough to get the bill voted out of committee.
Educators have become their own worst enemies in regards to this issue. I really wonder how many have actually read the bills (and not just the notes provided to them by the teacher's union and other opponents to the reform proposal). The best thing that educators could do for their cause is to return to a rational level of discourse and provide their own counter-proposal (status quo, increased funding, and increased taxation will not fly as has been made quite clear by the economic and political climate). Another change educators should make is to discontinue the war cry claiming educators will lose all rights. It is a clearly a disingenuous argument and the last time I checked the bills will allow the educators to continue to have jobs and they will still get paid for their work the same as any other employed individual. There will be no coerced actions required by educators should these bill pass and no educators in the State of Idaho will be deprived of their rights outlined and protected by the Constitution.
Having been in the political field for over a decade now whether at the professional, volunteer, or concerned citizen level, it has been a disappointment to see the emotional, rather than a rational, reaction exhibited by educators (in both public and private venues). As a word of advice to educators, such reactions are not helping your cause at all and it is turning public and political opinion against you. The harassment, name calling, and threats made towards Superintendent Luna (and his family), legislators, and citizens who support these reforms is appalling. I personally have been called names, compared to heinous historical figures, and told that I would never work in the education field again if I continued to support the proposed reforms. (If this is how professional educators act when such issues arise, then I have no desire to return to that field whatsoever.) The worst possible course of action that educators could have taken, and did, was the disrespectful testimony and behavior before a legislative committee. This not only made a mockery of the process, but only gained educators unsympathetic opponents both political and public. This behavior alone was enough to get the bill voted out of committee.
Educators have become their own worst enemies in regards to this issue. I really wonder how many have actually read the bills (and not just the notes provided to them by the teacher's union and other opponents to the reform proposal). The best thing that educators could do for their cause is to return to a rational level of discourse and provide their own counter-proposal (status quo, increased funding, and increased taxation will not fly as has been made quite clear by the economic and political climate). Another change educators should make is to discontinue the war cry claiming educators will lose all rights. It is a clearly a disingenuous argument and the last time I checked the bills will allow the educators to continue to have jobs and they will still get paid for their work the same as any other employed individual. There will be no coerced actions required by educators should these bill pass and no educators in the State of Idaho will be deprived of their rights outlined and protected by the Constitution.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
I love it! A Twitter account named Union Thugs, which claims to be speaking for Idaho's teachers, wants to follow one of my Twitter accounts. The major extent of their tweets are sending messages of a sarcastic and browbeating nature to legislators and supporters of Superintendent Luna's reform efforts. You would think that intelligent teachers could be a little more rational than that.
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Congressmen Simpson and Labrador vote to defund job killing Obamacare.
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Now this is how it should be done when public employee unions get out of hand and demand more power and control. They need to be reminded that they work for us.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
For those of you in Idaho and other right to work states who are just itching to get rid of the right to work provisions and allow unions to run amok, just look at the harassment that Superintendent Luna is enduring and the out of union control protests that are occurring in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan (and also coming soon to additional states near you according to organizers). Oh, by the way, these protests are gleefully and enthusiastically co-sponsored by Obama's Organizing for America, state Democratic party organizations, and the DNC as well as receiving direct encouragement and moral support from Obama himself. Or you could just look at the enormous budget deficits union heavy states are currently dealing with. Unions had their usefulness but that time passed many years ago and they have become nothing but a parasite on every government and business they extort and bully.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence; true friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks and adversity before it is entitled to the appellation." --George Washington, Letter to Bushrod Washington, 1783
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Here is the text from a press release from the Idaho State Republican Party regarding the recent harassment towards Superintendent Tom Luna:
Idaho Republican Party State Chairman Norm Semanko issued the following statement in response to the recent incidents of harassment toward Superintendent Luna:
"This is what happens when you step out and fight against the status quo. As Idahoans we cannot let these scare tactics win,” said Semanko. "The Students Come First plan has obviously touched a nerve and rightly so. We know the opposition's rhetoric and misinformation has gotten us to this point today, and we cannot let these hostile tactics win in the end. We must do what's right for Idaho students.”
Over the weekend an angry teacher showed up at Luna's mother's home, last night Luna's truck was spray painted and his tires slashed, and there have been multiple incidents of harassment in public venues.
"Up to this point, the vocal minority has been spreading their propaganda without much resistance from the majority of Idahoans who support the plan. It's time for that to change. It's time for Idahoans who care about education to step up and take the time to express their support for Governor Otter and Superintendent Luna's plan through civil means: contact their legislators, write letters to the editor, post on social media, and talk to their family and friends.”
Idaho Republican Party State Chairman Norm Semanko issued the following statement in response to the recent incidents of harassment toward Superintendent Luna:
"This is what happens when you step out and fight against the status quo. As Idahoans we cannot let these scare tactics win,” said Semanko. "The Students Come First plan has obviously touched a nerve and rightly so. We know the opposition's rhetoric and misinformation has gotten us to this point today, and we cannot let these hostile tactics win in the end. We must do what's right for Idaho students.”
Over the weekend an angry teacher showed up at Luna's mother's home, last night Luna's truck was spray painted and his tires slashed, and there have been multiple incidents of harassment in public venues.
"Up to this point, the vocal minority has been spreading their propaganda without much resistance from the majority of Idahoans who support the plan. It's time for that to change. It's time for Idahoans who care about education to step up and take the time to express their support for Governor Otter and Superintendent Luna's plan through civil means: contact their legislators, write letters to the editor, post on social media, and talk to their family and friends.”
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Come join Congressman Labrador as he holds his first town hall meeting in Coeur d'Alene. It is scheduled for Monday, February 21st from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Eagles Lodge (209 E. Sherman Ave, Coeur d'Alene).
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Idaho schools chief targeted in multiple harassment incidents:
So this is the way that discourse is going in Idaho in regards to issues regarding education. Forget debating the issues with logic, just demonize, harass, and terrorize opponents. Looks like some of Luna's reform opponents have gone off the deep end because they haven't been able to successfully use logic and reasoning in their efforts or choose not to. It's sad really.
So this is the way that discourse is going in Idaho in regards to issues regarding education. Forget debating the issues with logic, just demonize, harass, and terrorize opponents. Looks like some of Luna's reform opponents have gone off the deep end because they haven't been able to successfully use logic and reasoning in their efforts or choose not to. It's sad really.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Here is a group for those who support Superintendent Luna's reform proposals: Idahoans for Luna's "Students Come First" Reform:
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Having dinner with friends and family. What more could you ask for....
Friday, February 11, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Taking the new laptop out for a spin.... Now Tonya can use her's in peace without worrying about whether I've stolen it or not.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Had a great day getting some of the needed items for my new adventure. I still have a lot left to do before heading out Sunday and I am very excited to get going. Nothing like being able to mix two things I enjoy and be able to earn money doing it. I am getting to live the dream.
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