Really looking close at supporting Herman Cain for President. I like what I see and what he brings to the table as a candidate. Love the fact that he has ground floor on up business experience and no elected offices on his resume. He is well spoken and doesn't mince words when talking about what he believes or where he stands on an issue. Have a little more research to do but it appears that my mind may already be made up.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Herman Cain ‘It’s Not Planned Parenthood -- No, It’s Planned Genocide’ - At Least He Doesn't Pull Punches When He Speaks
One thing I really like about Herman Cain is that he doesn't pull punches when he speaks. He speaks from the heart while using his mind in the formulation of his comments and positions.
One thing I really like about Herman Cain is that he doesn't pull punches when he speaks. He speaks from the heart while using his mind in the formulation of his comments and positions.
Great Commentary by Herman Cain Regarding the Use of the Race Card by Liberals
Herman Cain' points are well made regarding the liberal use of the race card. I would just add that it is also used when a liberal is backed into a corner during an intellectual debate and can't get out because the logic of their argument doesn't pan out.
Herman Cain' points are well made regarding the liberal use of the race card. I would just add that it is also used when a liberal is backed into a corner during an intellectual debate and can't get out because the logic of their argument doesn't pan out.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Typical Union Strategy.
When those who are supposed to protect the peace in a society become the extortioners and thugs, who then maintains the peace and civility of society?
When those who are supposed to protect the peace in a society become the extortioners and thugs, who then maintains the peace and civility of society?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
WI is America's "Greece" not "Egypt" as some claim.
The Blaze:
In Egypt the people rose up for freedom and liberty. In Greece it was over maintaining and increasing government handouts and social programs. The real question remains: Is this going to be an isolated incident of civil unrest or it is a sign to come and will the unrest over government created entitlements spread throughout the country sponsored by SEIU with their allied organizations and supported by Obama's Organizing for America?
In Egypt the people rose up for freedom and liberty. In Greece it was over maintaining and increasing government handouts and social programs. The real question remains: Is this going to be an isolated incident of civil unrest or it is a sign to come and will the unrest over government created entitlements spread throughout the country sponsored by SEIU with their allied organizations and supported by Obama's Organizing for America?
WI Lawmakers Get Death Threats. Glad the Unions and Their Members are so Peace Loving and Open Minded
Kind of reminds me of the 1918 October Revolution in Russia. Makes me want more union influence and power here in Idaho. Oh wait, no I don't.
Kind of reminds me of the 1918 October Revolution in Russia. Makes me want more union influence and power here in Idaho. Oh wait, no I don't.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Well Done Site Supporting Superintendent Luna and "Students Come First"
In 2011, Superintendent Tom Luna proposed a reform package known as "Students Come First", an effort to improve Idaho's public education system by promoting accountability and new technology in the classroom. Interest groups such as the Idaho Education Association quickly condemned the reform, and began a statewide campaign using media and demonstrations to discredit the plan.
Now this campaign has extended, and they are calling for the recall of Superintendent Tom Luna, thus removing him from office.
This website is dedicated to supporting Superintendent Luna and his efforts to reform Idaho's public education system. This site serves to debunk the misconceptions, provide prospective on Luna's plan, and ultimately empower the public to show their support. Together, we can stand with Luna.
In 2011, Superintendent Tom Luna proposed a reform package known as "Students Come First", an effort to improve Idaho's public education system by promoting accountability and new technology in the classroom. Interest groups such as the Idaho Education Association quickly condemned the reform, and began a statewide campaign using media and demonstrations to discredit the plan.
Now this campaign has extended, and they are calling for the recall of Superintendent Tom Luna, thus removing him from office.
This website is dedicated to supporting Superintendent Luna and his efforts to reform Idaho's public education system. This site serves to debunk the misconceptions, provide prospective on Luna's plan, and ultimately empower the public to show their support. Together, we can stand with Luna.
House Passes SB 1108 Limiting Collective Bargaining and Teacher Union Power 48-22 Despite 9 Republicans Defecting.
SB 1108 passes by a 48-22 margin with 9 Republicans joining the Democrats in opposition. Those Republicans voting with Democrats to protect the IEA are: Boltz, Collins, Eskridge, McGeachin, Nesset, Schaefer, Smith (Leon), Trail, and Wills. This is something that voters may need to remember come primary election time about the fact that they sided with the IEA and not Idaho taxpayers.
SB 1108 passes by a 48-22 margin with 9 Republicans joining the Democrats in opposition. Those Republicans voting with Democrats to protect the IEA are: Boltz, Collins, Eskridge, McGeachin, Nesset, Schaefer, Smith (Leon), Trail, and Wills. This is something that voters may need to remember come primary election time about the fact that they sided with the IEA and not Idaho taxpayers.
Monday, March 7, 2011
House approves restriction of union activity on taxpayer dime (
Taxpayers should not be helping pay for teachers' union activities and teachers should not be doing union activities during school hours. They have made a contractual commitment to teach students not to attempt to negotiate more taxpayer money into their pockets on the taxpayer's dime. IEA may foot part of the bill but if these teacher's want to be union reps great, they just need to decide which they want to do, teach or be a union boss. But to allow them to double dip and take taxpayer money for teaching at the same time is ridiculous. It is no different than giving a thief the checkbook and not expect them to clean out the account.
Taxpayers should not be helping pay for teachers' union activities and teachers should not be doing union activities during school hours. They have made a contractual commitment to teach students not to attempt to negotiate more taxpayer money into their pockets on the taxpayer's dime. IEA may foot part of the bill but if these teacher's want to be union reps great, they just need to decide which they want to do, teach or be a union boss. But to allow them to double dip and take taxpayer money for teaching at the same time is ridiculous. It is no different than giving a thief the checkbook and not expect them to clean out the account.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Post from corey at CHUMLY
What I find interesting is when the IEA talks about the "stakeholders" they are only talking about themselves. Their actions show that they are more interested in their own personal interests and comfort level than about what the parents want or what's best for the students. Otherwise they would be more engaged in the process in a productive manner rather than planning, encouraging, and throwing public temper tantrums.
Utah is Expanding Online Access to High School Courses Allowing Students More Flexibility and Opportunity
Deseret News:
This is a good move by Utah. Not only does it increase the flexibility and opportunity a student has in course availability but also puts accountability measures in place so that the classes are beneficial as well as on par with in-class courses in regards to requirements. This is truly a story about a state putting their students first rather than staying with the status-quo that hasn't in the past and doesn't work now.
This is a good move by Utah. Not only does it increase the flexibility and opportunity a student has in course availability but also puts accountability measures in place so that the classes are beneficial as well as on par with in-class courses in regards to requirements. This is truly a story about a state putting their students first rather than staying with the status-quo that hasn't in the past and doesn't work now.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
More Irrational Behavior From Some of Idaho's Educators. Thankfully This Group Doesn't Speak for All of Them.
Here is more irrational behavior from some of those educating our teachers here in Idaho and their Democratic supporters. This is a screen shot from a second Twitter account who wanted to follow me (one of several created by an individual or individuals who call themselves "slutbot"). Not only is it childish but also offensive. This is another example of emotional personal attacks and denigration rather that civil dialogue and counter-proposals. Thank heavens this group doesn't speak for all teachers. One interesting thing about this is that "slutbot" was very active during the 2010 election cycle so I would assume that this group not only includes some educators but also liberal democrats who have no proposals, answers to problems, or ideas of their own and instead use childish attacks to amuse themselves. All this does is make them part of the problem not the solution. Sad. Really sad.
On a second note, the IEA is also now attacking a student for creating a Facebook page in support of "Students Come First." And all this time I thought that the educational system was about teaching the students critical and higher level thinking. Apparently for some in the educational industry (and teacher's union for that manner) that only applies to approved issues and points of view besides showing that they may be lacking this skill as well or at least unwilling to use it.
On a second note, the IEA is also now attacking a student for creating a Facebook page in support of "Students Come First." And all this time I thought that the educational system was about teaching the students critical and higher level thinking. Apparently for some in the educational industry (and teacher's union for that manner) that only applies to approved issues and points of view besides showing that they may be lacking this skill as well or at least unwilling to use it.
Judge Declares Idaho's Open Primary Unconstitutional
Here is a win for the right of association. Mormons shouldn't be required to allow non-Mormons to determine who can and can't be their next leader is, neither should Catholics or any other religious organization. Boise shouldn't be allowed to determine who Caldwell or Nampa's mayors or who sits on their city councils nor should University of Oregon fans have any say in deciding the starting lineup for BSU. It should be the same for political party determination of candidates. All the primary elections are about is an intra-party contest to see who will represent that party in the general election. Therefore if an individual does not want to associate themselves with a specific party, they should have no say in who that party's candidate will be. These "unaffiliated" or independent voters can choose the best candidate in the general election like it was intended.
Here is a win for the right of association. Mormons shouldn't be required to allow non-Mormons to determine who can and can't be their next leader is, neither should Catholics or any other religious organization. Boise shouldn't be allowed to determine who Caldwell or Nampa's mayors or who sits on their city councils nor should University of Oregon fans have any say in deciding the starting lineup for BSU. It should be the same for political party determination of candidates. All the primary elections are about is an intra-party contest to see who will represent that party in the general election. Therefore if an individual does not want to associate themselves with a specific party, they should have no say in who that party's candidate will be. These "unaffiliated" or independent voters can choose the best candidate in the general election like it was intended.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Idaho Statesman's View on the Nullification Vote in the Idaho Senate Committee on State Affairs
Our View: Doing the right thing, not the easy thing
While I disagree with their opinion, there are two good points to the editorial.
First, the fact that some gave the Statesman ammo to paint the entire group as "ugly" after the vote is saddening. Those that go that direction do a disservice and great harm to this issue. Passion over an issue is good as long as it is channeled correctly. Some of the comments I heard at the hearing were better left to be said in private among similar thinking individuals. Save the anger and frustration for the ballot box and election time. You can let it be known that you are angry and frustrated about how a legislator voted but do it in a respectful and rational way. Taking out that frustration and anger in a disrespectful and irrational manner on legislators only cause them to dig their heels in and oppose your position harder. Just think of how you feel when someone gets in your face over something, you only resist harder.
This is something that the teachers need to learn over the reform proposals put forth by Superintendent Luna. Rein in the emotional and irrational outbursts (especially the ones who are acting out publicly) and engage in civil dialogue and when dealing privately with someone who supports the proposals. It would take them a lot further on the issue and possibly open an avenue to improving the proposals rather than face an all or nothing proposition. All this type of behavior is doing is driving public perception and opinion away and entrenching their opponents deeper to the point that no one will be willing to negotiate and compromise on this issue like was originally intended by the Founders. And some of those who are railing on the teachers for their behavior have acted the same way over issues they hold dear, so it is not just a one sided problem.
Second, is that the Statesman is right about the bill being nothing more than symbolic. Passing the bill will really not do anything major in changing or removing the onerous Obamacare. However, if enough states make the same symbolic gesture then MAYBE those in D.C. will actually start listening to the states and voters when they say something. There are times when joint resolutions coming out of the states are not enough and there needs to be a middle ground to getting the attention of the Federal Government outside of public disobedience and civil strife which can lead to nothing good in the end (just look at Egypt, Palestine, and Libya).
Overall, while I have issues with the logic behind many of the points of the Statesman's editorial piece, there were some good points to take away from it and at least one lesson to be learned.
While I disagree with their opinion, there are two good points to the editorial.
First, the fact that some gave the Statesman ammo to paint the entire group as "ugly" after the vote is saddening. Those that go that direction do a disservice and great harm to this issue. Passion over an issue is good as long as it is channeled correctly. Some of the comments I heard at the hearing were better left to be said in private among similar thinking individuals. Save the anger and frustration for the ballot box and election time. You can let it be known that you are angry and frustrated about how a legislator voted but do it in a respectful and rational way. Taking out that frustration and anger in a disrespectful and irrational manner on legislators only cause them to dig their heels in and oppose your position harder. Just think of how you feel when someone gets in your face over something, you only resist harder.
This is something that the teachers need to learn over the reform proposals put forth by Superintendent Luna. Rein in the emotional and irrational outbursts (especially the ones who are acting out publicly) and engage in civil dialogue and when dealing privately with someone who supports the proposals. It would take them a lot further on the issue and possibly open an avenue to improving the proposals rather than face an all or nothing proposition. All this type of behavior is doing is driving public perception and opinion away and entrenching their opponents deeper to the point that no one will be willing to negotiate and compromise on this issue like was originally intended by the Founders. And some of those who are railing on the teachers for their behavior have acted the same way over issues they hold dear, so it is not just a one sided problem.
Second, is that the Statesman is right about the bill being nothing more than symbolic. Passing the bill will really not do anything major in changing or removing the onerous Obamacare. However, if enough states make the same symbolic gesture then MAYBE those in D.C. will actually start listening to the states and voters when they say something. There are times when joint resolutions coming out of the states are not enough and there needs to be a middle ground to getting the attention of the Federal Government outside of public disobedience and civil strife which can lead to nothing good in the end (just look at Egypt, Palestine, and Libya).
Overall, while I have issues with the logic behind many of the points of the Statesman's editorial piece, there were some good points to take away from it and at least one lesson to be learned.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Here is a great, yet simple, discussion of capitalism and the need for uninhibited free enterprise.
I, Pencil | Foundation for Economic Education:
Pocatello Navy recruiter offered fake notes to help students to protest Luna's plan «
This guy had better hope the Navy doesn't throw the book at him. He could lose his position, rank, and pay for being involved in a political issue using his position as a Navy recruiter. This is a BIG no no.
This guy had better hope the Navy doesn't throw the book at him. He could lose his position, rank, and pay for being involved in a political issue using his position as a Navy recruiter. This is a BIG no no.
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