The Idaho Press Tribune has posted on their website a candidate navigator that has Caldwell and Nampa City Council candidate comments and responses. It is a great way to see what the various candidates have to say.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Post from corey at CHUMLY
Congrats to the Vallivue HS Marching Corps for making it three in a row at the D3 competition held at BSU tonight!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Liberal Moral Standard as Revealed by James Taggart in Atlas Shrugged.
As I read this tirade by James Taggart in Atlas Shrugged, it hit me that this was the whole essence and embodiment of the liberal moral standard and belief of today:
"Why can't I have my wish as you always have yours? Why shouldn't I be given the fulfillment of my desires as you always fulfill any desire of your own? Why should you be happy while I suffer?... You proclaim the pursuit of happiness, but you doom me to frustration. Don't I have the right to demand any form of happiness I choose? Isn't that a debt which you owe me?...
"It's your sin if I suffer! It's your moral failure!... I'm your responsibility, but you've failed to supply my wants, therefore you're guilty! All of mankind's moral leaders have said so for centuries... you're so proud of yourself you think that you're pure and good- but you can't be good, so long as I'm wretched. My misery is the measure of your sin. My contentment is the measure of your virtue. I want this kind of world, today's world, it gives me my share of authority, it allows me to feel important - make it work for me! - do something!... it's your problem and your duty! You have the privilege of strength, but I - I have the right of weakness! That's a moral absolute!"
The part that struck me so hard, you "have the privilege of strength, but I... have the right of weakness," is the crux of the liberal moral standard. Those who are strong and productive, according to liberals, have a moral duty to provide for the weak's contentment, authority, and feeling of importance, with the weak having the moral right to demand and receive it from them. Until society is liberated from this belief, all talk about spending cuts, deficit reduction, and taxation will be for naught because the clamor for more social spending and "shared sacrifice" by the rich will be too raucous for the majority of politicians to ignore and openly stand against.
"Why can't I have my wish as you always have yours? Why shouldn't I be given the fulfillment of my desires as you always fulfill any desire of your own? Why should you be happy while I suffer?... You proclaim the pursuit of happiness, but you doom me to frustration. Don't I have the right to demand any form of happiness I choose? Isn't that a debt which you owe me?...
"It's your sin if I suffer! It's your moral failure!... I'm your responsibility, but you've failed to supply my wants, therefore you're guilty! All of mankind's moral leaders have said so for centuries... you're so proud of yourself you think that you're pure and good- but you can't be good, so long as I'm wretched. My misery is the measure of your sin. My contentment is the measure of your virtue. I want this kind of world, today's world, it gives me my share of authority, it allows me to feel important - make it work for me! - do something!... it's your problem and your duty! You have the privilege of strength, but I - I have the right of weakness! That's a moral absolute!"
The part that struck me so hard, you "have the privilege of strength, but I... have the right of weakness," is the crux of the liberal moral standard. Those who are strong and productive, according to liberals, have a moral duty to provide for the weak's contentment, authority, and feeling of importance, with the weak having the moral right to demand and receive it from them. Until society is liberated from this belief, all talk about spending cuts, deficit reduction, and taxation will be for naught because the clamor for more social spending and "shared sacrifice" by the rich will be too raucous for the majority of politicians to ignore and openly stand against.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Ada sheriff Nobody treated for concussion while Sen. McGee in custody (via
So who's not telling the truth? If the concussion is still diagnosable after McGee was released and was the cause of his "uncharacteristic" behavior, why did it go unnoticed when he was booked? Or is it rather a convenient excuse that gives everyone in the situation cover and concealment for the final decision made? You decide.
Sen. Reid Introduces Looter Bill in the Senate in the Name of Shared Sacrifice!
"A bill to express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit." Sponsored by Sens. Reid, Lautenberg, Sanders, and Whitehouse. I am beginning to feel that I have fallen into the book Atlas Shrugged and am watching Wesley Mouch, Jim Taggert, and Orren Boyle at work in real time. Those who are being castigated by these progressively clueless Senators already provide more than any other economic category to the federal coffers. This is nothing more than a bill justify looting the producers of this country. The question is, what will these people do after they have looted all of the money from those who produce and keep this country's economic engine running.
The text of the bill is as follows:
S. 1323
To express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit.
June 30, 2011
Mr. REID introduced the following bill; which was read twice and ordered to be placed on the calendar
To express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) Findings- Congress makes the following findings:
(1) The Wall Street Journal reports that median pay for chief financial officers of S&P 500 companies increased 19 percent to $2,900,000 last year.
(2) Over the past 10 years, the median family income has declined by more than $2,500.
(3) Twenty percent of all income earned in the United States is earned by the top 1 percent of individuals.
(4) Over the past quarter century, four-fifths of the income gains accrued to the top 1 percent of individuals.
(b) Sense of the Senate- It is the sense of the Senate that any agreement to reduce the budget deficit should require that those earning $1,000,000 or more per year make a more meaningful contribution to the deficit reduction effort.
The text of the bill is as follows:
S. 1323
To express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit.
June 30, 2011
Mr. REID introduced the following bill; which was read twice and ordered to be placed on the calendar
To express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
(a) Findings- Congress makes the following findings:
(1) The Wall Street Journal reports that median pay for chief financial officers of S&P 500 companies increased 19 percent to $2,900,000 last year.
(2) Over the past 10 years, the median family income has declined by more than $2,500.
(3) Twenty percent of all income earned in the United States is earned by the top 1 percent of individuals.
(4) Over the past quarter century, four-fifths of the income gains accrued to the top 1 percent of individuals.
(b) Sense of the Senate- It is the sense of the Senate that any agreement to reduce the budget deficit should require that those earning $1,000,000 or more per year make a more meaningful contribution to the deficit reduction effort.
Friday, July 1, 2011
John McGee Skates While the Reputation of the Justice System Pays
This is a sad day. McGee skated by and the reputation of the justice system paid the price. If this had been an "average" citizen there would have most likely been no plea bargain, no deal. If there were, it would have been the DUI that would have been dropped rather than the felony. This was done to save the political career of a "rising star" pure and simple. So much for taking responsibility for one's actions. This is a microcosm of where this country is headed. If you are the "right" kind of person or have the "right" kind of friends then you have nothing to worry about. Both sides hypocritically do it to protect their own while castigating the other side for the same type of behavior. Will this pervasive cultural attitude ever change back to what is once was and should be? Do people want those who refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions to be their leaders? Asking these questions are about as worthless as asking who is John Galt.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
John Galt or James Taggert?
Who's footsteps do you believe you are following in today? Would your
outward attitudes and actions lead others to come to the same conclusion? If not, what are you doing to change it?
outward attitudes and actions lead others to come to the same conclusion? If not, what are you doing to change it?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Post from corey at CHUMLY
"The fundamental source of all your errors, sophisms and false reasonings is a total ignorance of the natural rights of mankind. Were you once to become acquainted with these, you could never entertain a thought, that all men are not, by nature, entitled to a parity of privileges. You would be convinced, that natural liberty is a gift of the beneficent Creator to the whole human race, and that civil liberty is founded in that; and cannot be wrested from any people, without the most manifest violation of justice." --Alexander Hamilton
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Canyon County Republicans' 32nd Annual Republican Roundup June 10th!
Come join the Canyon County Republicans for their 32nd annual Republican Roundup at the Ste. Chapelle Winery in Caldwell!
Tickets are $30 each with children 6-12 $15 and those 5 and under are free.
Come join the fun and support the Canyon County Republicans in their efforts. I hope to see you there.
Tickets are $30 each with children 6-12 $15 and those 5 and under are free.
Come join the fun and support the Canyon County Republicans in their efforts. I hope to see you there.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Quote From Federalist #28 Attributed to Alexander Hamilton and a Few Thoughts About it
"Effective resistance to usurpers is possibly only provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them"
How many of us truly understand what are rights are as intended by the Founding Fathers? What are we doing to not only increase that understanding but to share that knowledge with others in order to bring them to an awareness of what rights and freedoms they have? What are we doing to defend those rights or are we just moving along from day to day with our heads down waiting for someone else to do it for us?
The time is short to restore this great country and the freedoms we enjoy to what they once were and what the Founding Fathers intended them to be. We all must be anxiously engaged together or we will lose those freedoms and watch the continued decline of this great country into historical obscurity like many other great civilizations have done. It will take effort from all who are "disposed to defend" their rights and freedoms if we are to be victorious. It is said that you don't know what you have until you lose it. By then it will be too late and all we will be able to do is mourn the loss of our freedoms, rights, and our country.
How many of us truly understand what are rights are as intended by the Founding Fathers? What are we doing to not only increase that understanding but to share that knowledge with others in order to bring them to an awareness of what rights and freedoms they have? What are we doing to defend those rights or are we just moving along from day to day with our heads down waiting for someone else to do it for us?
The time is short to restore this great country and the freedoms we enjoy to what they once were and what the Founding Fathers intended them to be. We all must be anxiously engaged together or we will lose those freedoms and watch the continued decline of this great country into historical obscurity like many other great civilizations have done. It will take effort from all who are "disposed to defend" their rights and freedoms if we are to be victorious. It is said that you don't know what you have until you lose it. By then it will be too late and all we will be able to do is mourn the loss of our freedoms, rights, and our country.
James Madison Quote Regarding the Constitution and the Constitutional Convention
"Whatever my be the judgment pronounced on the competency of the architects of the constitution, or whatever may be the destiny of the edifice prepared by them, I feel it a duty to express my profound and solemn conviction... that there never was an assembly of men charged with a great and arduous trust who were more pure in their motives, or more exclusively or anxiously devoted to the object committed to them, than were the members of the Federal Convention of 1787 to the object of devising and proposing a constitutional system which should... best secure the permanent liberty and happiness of their country."
Post from corey at CHUMLY
Busy week coming up. Starting the 5,000 year leap, working with the wife on Scentsy, attending the IFF banquet, and starting the re-design of the Keep Idaho Red site. Time to come out of hibernation and get back on track with my goals and plans.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Huckabee Has Decided Not to Run
Despite the fact that I like some of the things that Mike Huckabee has
done, I am glad that he has decided to step away from the race and not
run.His reasoning for not running is admirable and I agree that he is
better suited at this point assisting behind the scenes other
conservative candidates throughout the nation.I do not believe that he
had what it would take to execute a winning campaign.He just doesn't
have the charisma and the physical presence to take on a consummate
slick candidate like Obama.I don't see the inherent ability to forcibly and decisively counter the type of attacks that will be perpetrated on
whomever the Republican nominee ends up being.It also appeared to me for quite some time that he just didn't have the fire necessary to take on
such an endeavor and he was more than happy with his current place in
the political world.I believe that he realized the same thing and that
was one of the reasons behind his decision.
Now if only Donald Trump would come to the same conclusion and quietly
ride off into the sunset never to be heard from again politically.
done, I am glad that he has decided to step away from the race and not
run.His reasoning for not running is admirable and I agree that he is
better suited at this point assisting behind the scenes other
conservative candidates throughout the nation.I do not believe that he
had what it would take to execute a winning campaign.He just doesn't
have the charisma and the physical presence to take on a consummate
slick candidate like Obama.I don't see the inherent ability to forcibly and decisively counter the type of attacks that will be perpetrated on
whomever the Republican nominee ends up being.It also appeared to me for quite some time that he just didn't have the fire necessary to take on
such an endeavor and he was more than happy with his current place in
the political world.I believe that he realized the same thing and that
was one of the reasons behind his decision.
Now if only Donald Trump would come to the same conclusion and quietly
ride off into the sunset never to be heard from again politically.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
IEA Shows Its Support for the Status Quo - by Wayne Hoffman of the Idaho Freedom Foundation
The 13 page lawsuit filed by the IEA says nothing about students, student achievement, or has anything to do with education at all. All this lawsuit is about is gimme, gimme, gimme, me, me, me, more, more, more. Sounds more like a spoiled two year old rather than adults who should be trusted with the education of our children. This is nothing more than the typical manifestation of the entitlement/union mentality.
The 13 page lawsuit filed by the IEA says nothing about students, student achievement, or has anything to do with education at all. All this lawsuit is about is gimme, gimme, gimme, me, me, me, more, more, more. Sounds more like a spoiled two year old rather than adults who should be trusted with the education of our children. This is nothing more than the typical manifestation of the entitlement/union mentality.
How to Spot a Terrorist Mastermind - A Primer for the the Obama Administration, Liberals and the Pakistani Intelligence Services
Reason Magazine:
Great article that can be used to help your liberal friends and relatives understand what a terrorist mastermind looks like in case they are still saying that OBL wasn't a terrorist nor deserved to be put down like a rabid dog.
Great article that can be used to help your liberal friends and relatives understand what a terrorist mastermind looks like in case they are still saying that OBL wasn't a terrorist nor deserved to be put down like a rabid dog.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Great Proposed 2nd Amendment Legislation and Congressman Labrador is a Co-Sponsor.
NRA-ILA :: Urge Your Representative To Cosponsor H.R. 822, The National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act Of 2011:
This would be a great boost to 2nd Amendment rights should it be passed and signed into law. Idahoans living in the 1st Congressional District can be proud that Congressman Labrador is a co-sponsor.
This would be a great boost to 2nd Amendment rights should it be passed and signed into law. Idahoans living in the 1st Congressional District can be proud that Congressman Labrador is a co-sponsor.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Post from corey at CHUMLY
White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden | Socyberty:
If this is true, it could have larger implications than just the 2012 elections. What other missed opportunities have occurred due to Obama's inability to make a solid decision and being easily swayed by Valerie Jerrett? And what are the potential costs of those missed opportunities to the country? Note the fact that Obama had to be pulled off the golf course to be nothing more than an observer.
If this is true, it could have larger implications than just the 2012 elections. What other missed opportunities have occurred due to Obama's inability to make a solid decision and being easily swayed by Valerie Jerrett? And what are the potential costs of those missed opportunities to the country? Note the fact that Obama had to be pulled off the golf course to be nothing more than an observer.
Excellent Article on the Nationwide School Reform Movement by Reason Magazine
Education Showdown - Reason Magazine:
Great article from the May issue of Reason Magazine. It really highlights and covers the issue of education reform and the major roadblock also known as teachers' unions.
Great article from the May issue of Reason Magazine. It really highlights and covers the issue of education reform and the major roadblock also known as teachers' unions.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Bin Laden Dead. All I Can Say is That It's About Damn Time!
Usama Bin Laden is Dead, Say Sources -
The IPT Opinion Regarding IEA's Suit Against the State Over "Students Come First" Reforms
The Idaho Press Tribune has an interesting opinion piece regarding the IEA's lawsuit against the State regarding the "Students Come First" reforms that recently were passed and signed into law during this year's session. The best part of the opinion is as follows:
"The teachers union is certainly entitled to file lawsuits. It’s a free country.
But the principle on which this one is based gives the impression that members of the union should somehow be immune from the financial pressures the rest of us feel. There are people throughout the workforce who are hired under the auspices of getting certain pay and benefits, but when the economy goes south, those things have to be adjusted.
It’s time for Idaho’s teachers and school boards to find the best way to educate our kids with the resources they have. Most of us can sympathize with them over a loss of funding and bargaining power, but none of us should believe that recessions are something only 'other people' should have to go through."
Teachers union lawsuit odd - Idaho Press-Tribune: Editorial:
"The teachers union is certainly entitled to file lawsuits. It’s a free country.
But the principle on which this one is based gives the impression that members of the union should somehow be immune from the financial pressures the rest of us feel. There are people throughout the workforce who are hired under the auspices of getting certain pay and benefits, but when the economy goes south, those things have to be adjusted.
It’s time for Idaho’s teachers and school boards to find the best way to educate our kids with the resources they have. Most of us can sympathize with them over a loss of funding and bargaining power, but none of us should believe that recessions are something only 'other people' should have to go through."
Teachers union lawsuit odd - Idaho Press-Tribune: Editorial:
Post from corey at CHUMLY
Getting the itch to change things up. Not sure if that's a bad or good thing but we shall see. No risk no reward.
Friday, April 29, 2011
No Surprise that the NEA Gave the IEA $75k for the Anti-Reform Referendum Push
Education reform opponents get outside help for referendum push «
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Interesting Polling Data Regarding Obama and the Crowded Republican Field. Doesn't Look Good for Obama
Marist Poll Watch: Obama in Trouble | Race 4 2012:
Friday, April 15, 2011
Excellent Piece by Congressman Raul Labrador on How Tax Day Should Remind Us That We Don't Need More Taxes
"As we prepare to file our income taxes it is important for all of us not to lose sight of the principles our nation was founded upon, not least of which were limited government and the rejection of an overwhelming tax burden."
This is a great piece by Congressman Labrador. He understands the problems we face financially as a country and will do anything in his power to help fix those problems and get this great country back on the right track.
"As we prepare to file our income taxes it is important for all of us not to lose sight of the principles our nation was founded upon, not least of which were limited government and the rejection of an overwhelming tax burden."
This is a great piece by Congressman Labrador. He understands the problems we face financially as a country and will do anything in his power to help fix those problems and get this great country back on the right track.
Raul Labrador on His First 100 Days as a Congressman (Idaho Press Tribune)
Raul Labrador on first 100 days: 'Eye-opening' - Idaho Press-Tribune: News:
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Excellent Wall Street Journal Op-Ed on Obama's Economic Speech Last Night
Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider -
I would say that the WSJ had no love for Obama or his politically charged economic speech last night. In fact I would dare say that the WSJ is right and the only reason for the speech was a very public attempt to crush the Republican proposal and its supporters to the point that public opinion will continue to believe that the status-quo is okay and that Republicans only want to kill old people, starve children, and kick cute little puppies in the evilest of ways. Below is some of the opening remarks in the op-ed that enlightens the reader as to the direction that the WSJ was headed in its critique of yesterday's speech:
"Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama's fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign... Mr. Obama ... packaged his poison in the rhetoric of bipartisanship—which 'starts,' he said, 'by being honest about what's causing our deficit.' The speech he chose to deliver was dishonest even by modern political standards."
I would say that the WSJ had no love for Obama or his politically charged economic speech last night. In fact I would dare say that the WSJ is right and the only reason for the speech was a very public attempt to crush the Republican proposal and its supporters to the point that public opinion will continue to believe that the status-quo is okay and that Republicans only want to kill old people, starve children, and kick cute little puppies in the evilest of ways. Below is some of the opening remarks in the op-ed that enlightens the reader as to the direction that the WSJ was headed in its critique of yesterday's speech:
"Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama's fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign... Mr. Obama ... packaged his poison in the rhetoric of bipartisanship—which 'starts,' he said, 'by being honest about what's causing our deficit.' The speech he chose to deliver was dishonest even by modern political standards."
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What I Got From Obama's Speech
Blah blah blah, um, it's all Bush's fault. Ummm, ummmm. Blah blah blah the rich are greedy and need to be forced to pay their share (unless I want them for a cabinet position). Blah blah blah Republicans are trying to kill old people and starve children. Blah blah blah Obamacare is the cat's meow despite high levels of waivers being given to my friends and supporters. Blah blah blah it's still Bush's fault. Ummmm you people are just too stupid to understand the great things I am trying to do for you. Ummm did it mention that it's all Bush's fault?
Obama's Expected Tax Increase Proposal Shot Down Before it Gets Off the Ground.
"Tax rates needed to sustain the nation's current fiscal trajectory into the future would end up sinking the economy." - from a CBO letter sent to Congressman Paul Ryan (May 2008)
A Great Article About the Basic Foundation of Herman Cain's Economic Plan. Sounds Good to Me.
Herman Cain Bets On Main Street-John Ransom - Townhall Finance:
Here are some great quotes from the above story. Looks quite workable both policy-wise and economics-wise to get this country back on its feet.
"The current administration’s hostility towards the job creators of America, from small businesses to our biggest corporations,” Cain told Townhall Finance,"is based on the fact that only 7 percent of President Obama’s administration has ever held a job in the private sector.”
"For decades Democrats have insisted on taxing profits generated by U.S. companies in foreign countries,” Cain wrote in an editorial in Investor’s Business Daily,"because they thought it would force businesses to keep the investments in the U.S.” Cain says that it’s had the opposite effect, costing jobs here at home.
"Significantly lowering the top corporate tax rate, reducing the capital gains tax rate to zero, suspending the tax on repatriated foreign profits, making the tax rates permanent, and a one-year payroll tax holiday for employees and employers would be a good start.”
"Cain would first look at across the board reductions of between ten and fifteen percent in federal spending for all departments and programs. Cabinet members who couldn’t make the cuts would be sent walking."
"After that Cain would institute a comprehensive review of government, eliminating some programs or departments entirely. While Cain is mum on which departments he would chop, grassroots conservatives would like to see the elimination of the EPA, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education, along with de-funding the United Nations in any potential downsizing of government. "
Here are some great quotes from the above story. Looks quite workable both policy-wise and economics-wise to get this country back on its feet.
"The current administration’s hostility towards the job creators of America, from small businesses to our biggest corporations,” Cain told Townhall Finance,"is based on the fact that only 7 percent of President Obama’s administration has ever held a job in the private sector.”
"For decades Democrats have insisted on taxing profits generated by U.S. companies in foreign countries,” Cain wrote in an editorial in Investor’s Business Daily,"because they thought it would force businesses to keep the investments in the U.S.” Cain says that it’s had the opposite effect, costing jobs here at home.
"Significantly lowering the top corporate tax rate, reducing the capital gains tax rate to zero, suspending the tax on repatriated foreign profits, making the tax rates permanent, and a one-year payroll tax holiday for employees and employers would be a good start.”
"Cain would first look at across the board reductions of between ten and fifteen percent in federal spending for all departments and programs. Cabinet members who couldn’t make the cuts would be sent walking."
"After that Cain would institute a comprehensive review of government, eliminating some programs or departments entirely. While Cain is mum on which departments he would chop, grassroots conservatives would like to see the elimination of the EPA, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education, along with de-funding the United Nations in any potential downsizing of government. "
A Great Op-Ed by the Wall Street Journal About Paul Ryan, The Path To Prosperity, and the Hyper-Emotional Attacks Against Them
Review & Outlook: Paul Ryan and His Critics -
This is a very good piece destroying the emotional attacks against Paul Ryan's budget proposal. It is amazing the lengths some will go to.
This is a very good piece destroying the emotional attacks against Paul Ryan's budget proposal. It is amazing the lengths some will go to.
Monday, April 11, 2011
A Very Interesting Op-Ed by Dana Perino
DANA PERINO: How GOP Leadership Keeps Saving President Obama From Himself -
As usual, Obama has little new ideas of his own and continues to use others while trying his hardest to throw them under the bus with the complicit help of Democratic Congressional Leaders and the MSM. Now if only the Republicans in Congress could stop worrying about being blamed for a government shut down and stand up for what they proclaim to believe then we would have a real shot of turning this country around and put it back on course. Because if they don't, 2012 could be a very disappointing election cycle.
As usual, Obama has little new ideas of his own and continues to use others while trying his hardest to throw them under the bus with the complicit help of Democratic Congressional Leaders and the MSM. Now if only the Republicans in Congress could stop worrying about being blamed for a government shut down and stand up for what they proclaim to believe then we would have a real shot of turning this country around and put it back on course. Because if they don't, 2012 could be a very disappointing election cycle.
The Truth About Spending Cuts A Great Article From
No surprise the study concludes that spending cut scenarios work much better than tax increase scenarios when reducing a nation's deficit and debt. It doesn't take a genius to understand that revenues obtained through tax increases are used to increase spending rather than reduce deficits and debt.
No surprise the study concludes that spending cut scenarios work much better than tax increase scenarios when reducing a nation's deficit and debt. It doesn't take a genius to understand that revenues obtained through tax increases are used to increase spending rather than reduce deficits and debt.
Post from corey at CHUMLY
From Steve Owen at IFF: A special evening at NNU with Lt. Governor Brad Little sponsored by Idaho Conservative Student Coalition & NNU College Republicans Thursday, April 14th - 7:00 P.M. - - NNU Jackson Brothers Lecture Hall For More Information Contact: Joshua Reams -
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Great News for Idaho. Tax Revenues Above Projections Once Again. Looks Like the Economy is Starting to Shake Loose a Little.
Increased tax revenue not relating to increased tax rates means that the economy is starting to show a bit of life. It doesn't mean Idaho is out of the woods yet, just moving in the right direction.
Increased tax revenue not relating to increased tax rates means that the economy is starting to show a bit of life. It doesn't mean Idaho is out of the woods yet, just moving in the right direction.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Herman Cain's Empowerment Video
"We've got to lead the nation from an entitlement society to an empowerment society" - Boy is that true!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Liking What I See in Herman Cain...
Really looking close at supporting Herman Cain for President. I like what I see and what he brings to the table as a candidate. Love the fact that he has ground floor on up business experience and no elected offices on his resume. He is well spoken and doesn't mince words when talking about what he believes or where he stands on an issue. Have a little more research to do but it appears that my mind may already be made up.
Herman Cain ‘It’s Not Planned Parenthood -- No, It’s Planned Genocide’ - At Least He Doesn't Pull Punches When He Speaks
One thing I really like about Herman Cain is that he doesn't pull punches when he speaks. He speaks from the heart while using his mind in the formulation of his comments and positions.
One thing I really like about Herman Cain is that he doesn't pull punches when he speaks. He speaks from the heart while using his mind in the formulation of his comments and positions.
Great Commentary by Herman Cain Regarding the Use of the Race Card by Liberals
Herman Cain' points are well made regarding the liberal use of the race card. I would just add that it is also used when a liberal is backed into a corner during an intellectual debate and can't get out because the logic of their argument doesn't pan out.
Herman Cain' points are well made regarding the liberal use of the race card. I would just add that it is also used when a liberal is backed into a corner during an intellectual debate and can't get out because the logic of their argument doesn't pan out.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Typical Union Strategy.
When those who are supposed to protect the peace in a society become the extortioners and thugs, who then maintains the peace and civility of society?
When those who are supposed to protect the peace in a society become the extortioners and thugs, who then maintains the peace and civility of society?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
WI is America's "Greece" not "Egypt" as some claim.
The Blaze:
In Egypt the people rose up for freedom and liberty. In Greece it was over maintaining and increasing government handouts and social programs. The real question remains: Is this going to be an isolated incident of civil unrest or it is a sign to come and will the unrest over government created entitlements spread throughout the country sponsored by SEIU with their allied organizations and supported by Obama's Organizing for America?
In Egypt the people rose up for freedom and liberty. In Greece it was over maintaining and increasing government handouts and social programs. The real question remains: Is this going to be an isolated incident of civil unrest or it is a sign to come and will the unrest over government created entitlements spread throughout the country sponsored by SEIU with their allied organizations and supported by Obama's Organizing for America?
WI Lawmakers Get Death Threats. Glad the Unions and Their Members are so Peace Loving and Open Minded
Kind of reminds me of the 1918 October Revolution in Russia. Makes me want more union influence and power here in Idaho. Oh wait, no I don't.
Kind of reminds me of the 1918 October Revolution in Russia. Makes me want more union influence and power here in Idaho. Oh wait, no I don't.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Well Done Site Supporting Superintendent Luna and "Students Come First"
In 2011, Superintendent Tom Luna proposed a reform package known as "Students Come First", an effort to improve Idaho's public education system by promoting accountability and new technology in the classroom. Interest groups such as the Idaho Education Association quickly condemned the reform, and began a statewide campaign using media and demonstrations to discredit the plan.
Now this campaign has extended, and they are calling for the recall of Superintendent Tom Luna, thus removing him from office.
This website is dedicated to supporting Superintendent Luna and his efforts to reform Idaho's public education system. This site serves to debunk the misconceptions, provide prospective on Luna's plan, and ultimately empower the public to show their support. Together, we can stand with Luna.
In 2011, Superintendent Tom Luna proposed a reform package known as "Students Come First", an effort to improve Idaho's public education system by promoting accountability and new technology in the classroom. Interest groups such as the Idaho Education Association quickly condemned the reform, and began a statewide campaign using media and demonstrations to discredit the plan.
Now this campaign has extended, and they are calling for the recall of Superintendent Tom Luna, thus removing him from office.
This website is dedicated to supporting Superintendent Luna and his efforts to reform Idaho's public education system. This site serves to debunk the misconceptions, provide prospective on Luna's plan, and ultimately empower the public to show their support. Together, we can stand with Luna.
House Passes SB 1108 Limiting Collective Bargaining and Teacher Union Power 48-22 Despite 9 Republicans Defecting.
SB 1108 passes by a 48-22 margin with 9 Republicans joining the Democrats in opposition. Those Republicans voting with Democrats to protect the IEA are: Boltz, Collins, Eskridge, McGeachin, Nesset, Schaefer, Smith (Leon), Trail, and Wills. This is something that voters may need to remember come primary election time about the fact that they sided with the IEA and not Idaho taxpayers.
SB 1108 passes by a 48-22 margin with 9 Republicans joining the Democrats in opposition. Those Republicans voting with Democrats to protect the IEA are: Boltz, Collins, Eskridge, McGeachin, Nesset, Schaefer, Smith (Leon), Trail, and Wills. This is something that voters may need to remember come primary election time about the fact that they sided with the IEA and not Idaho taxpayers.
Monday, March 7, 2011
House approves restriction of union activity on taxpayer dime (
Taxpayers should not be helping pay for teachers' union activities and teachers should not be doing union activities during school hours. They have made a contractual commitment to teach students not to attempt to negotiate more taxpayer money into their pockets on the taxpayer's dime. IEA may foot part of the bill but if these teacher's want to be union reps great, they just need to decide which they want to do, teach or be a union boss. But to allow them to double dip and take taxpayer money for teaching at the same time is ridiculous. It is no different than giving a thief the checkbook and not expect them to clean out the account.
Taxpayers should not be helping pay for teachers' union activities and teachers should not be doing union activities during school hours. They have made a contractual commitment to teach students not to attempt to negotiate more taxpayer money into their pockets on the taxpayer's dime. IEA may foot part of the bill but if these teacher's want to be union reps great, they just need to decide which they want to do, teach or be a union boss. But to allow them to double dip and take taxpayer money for teaching at the same time is ridiculous. It is no different than giving a thief the checkbook and not expect them to clean out the account.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Post from corey at CHUMLY
What I find interesting is when the IEA talks about the "stakeholders" they are only talking about themselves. Their actions show that they are more interested in their own personal interests and comfort level than about what the parents want or what's best for the students. Otherwise they would be more engaged in the process in a productive manner rather than planning, encouraging, and throwing public temper tantrums.
Utah is Expanding Online Access to High School Courses Allowing Students More Flexibility and Opportunity
Deseret News:
This is a good move by Utah. Not only does it increase the flexibility and opportunity a student has in course availability but also puts accountability measures in place so that the classes are beneficial as well as on par with in-class courses in regards to requirements. This is truly a story about a state putting their students first rather than staying with the status-quo that hasn't in the past and doesn't work now.
This is a good move by Utah. Not only does it increase the flexibility and opportunity a student has in course availability but also puts accountability measures in place so that the classes are beneficial as well as on par with in-class courses in regards to requirements. This is truly a story about a state putting their students first rather than staying with the status-quo that hasn't in the past and doesn't work now.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
More Irrational Behavior From Some of Idaho's Educators. Thankfully This Group Doesn't Speak for All of Them.
Here is more irrational behavior from some of those educating our teachers here in Idaho and their Democratic supporters. This is a screen shot from a second Twitter account who wanted to follow me (one of several created by an individual or individuals who call themselves "slutbot"). Not only is it childish but also offensive. This is another example of emotional personal attacks and denigration rather that civil dialogue and counter-proposals. Thank heavens this group doesn't speak for all teachers. One interesting thing about this is that "slutbot" was very active during the 2010 election cycle so I would assume that this group not only includes some educators but also liberal democrats who have no proposals, answers to problems, or ideas of their own and instead use childish attacks to amuse themselves. All this does is make them part of the problem not the solution. Sad. Really sad.
On a second note, the IEA is also now attacking a student for creating a Facebook page in support of "Students Come First." And all this time I thought that the educational system was about teaching the students critical and higher level thinking. Apparently for some in the educational industry (and teacher's union for that manner) that only applies to approved issues and points of view besides showing that they may be lacking this skill as well or at least unwilling to use it.
On a second note, the IEA is also now attacking a student for creating a Facebook page in support of "Students Come First." And all this time I thought that the educational system was about teaching the students critical and higher level thinking. Apparently for some in the educational industry (and teacher's union for that manner) that only applies to approved issues and points of view besides showing that they may be lacking this skill as well or at least unwilling to use it.
Judge Declares Idaho's Open Primary Unconstitutional
Here is a win for the right of association. Mormons shouldn't be required to allow non-Mormons to determine who can and can't be their next leader is, neither should Catholics or any other religious organization. Boise shouldn't be allowed to determine who Caldwell or Nampa's mayors or who sits on their city councils nor should University of Oregon fans have any say in deciding the starting lineup for BSU. It should be the same for political party determination of candidates. All the primary elections are about is an intra-party contest to see who will represent that party in the general election. Therefore if an individual does not want to associate themselves with a specific party, they should have no say in who that party's candidate will be. These "unaffiliated" or independent voters can choose the best candidate in the general election like it was intended.
Here is a win for the right of association. Mormons shouldn't be required to allow non-Mormons to determine who can and can't be their next leader is, neither should Catholics or any other religious organization. Boise shouldn't be allowed to determine who Caldwell or Nampa's mayors or who sits on their city councils nor should University of Oregon fans have any say in deciding the starting lineup for BSU. It should be the same for political party determination of candidates. All the primary elections are about is an intra-party contest to see who will represent that party in the general election. Therefore if an individual does not want to associate themselves with a specific party, they should have no say in who that party's candidate will be. These "unaffiliated" or independent voters can choose the best candidate in the general election like it was intended.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Idaho Statesman's View on the Nullification Vote in the Idaho Senate Committee on State Affairs
Our View: Doing the right thing, not the easy thing
While I disagree with their opinion, there are two good points to the editorial.
First, the fact that some gave the Statesman ammo to paint the entire group as "ugly" after the vote is saddening. Those that go that direction do a disservice and great harm to this issue. Passion over an issue is good as long as it is channeled correctly. Some of the comments I heard at the hearing were better left to be said in private among similar thinking individuals. Save the anger and frustration for the ballot box and election time. You can let it be known that you are angry and frustrated about how a legislator voted but do it in a respectful and rational way. Taking out that frustration and anger in a disrespectful and irrational manner on legislators only cause them to dig their heels in and oppose your position harder. Just think of how you feel when someone gets in your face over something, you only resist harder.
This is something that the teachers need to learn over the reform proposals put forth by Superintendent Luna. Rein in the emotional and irrational outbursts (especially the ones who are acting out publicly) and engage in civil dialogue and when dealing privately with someone who supports the proposals. It would take them a lot further on the issue and possibly open an avenue to improving the proposals rather than face an all or nothing proposition. All this type of behavior is doing is driving public perception and opinion away and entrenching their opponents deeper to the point that no one will be willing to negotiate and compromise on this issue like was originally intended by the Founders. And some of those who are railing on the teachers for their behavior have acted the same way over issues they hold dear, so it is not just a one sided problem.
Second, is that the Statesman is right about the bill being nothing more than symbolic. Passing the bill will really not do anything major in changing or removing the onerous Obamacare. However, if enough states make the same symbolic gesture then MAYBE those in D.C. will actually start listening to the states and voters when they say something. There are times when joint resolutions coming out of the states are not enough and there needs to be a middle ground to getting the attention of the Federal Government outside of public disobedience and civil strife which can lead to nothing good in the end (just look at Egypt, Palestine, and Libya).
Overall, while I have issues with the logic behind many of the points of the Statesman's editorial piece, there were some good points to take away from it and at least one lesson to be learned.
While I disagree with their opinion, there are two good points to the editorial.
First, the fact that some gave the Statesman ammo to paint the entire group as "ugly" after the vote is saddening. Those that go that direction do a disservice and great harm to this issue. Passion over an issue is good as long as it is channeled correctly. Some of the comments I heard at the hearing were better left to be said in private among similar thinking individuals. Save the anger and frustration for the ballot box and election time. You can let it be known that you are angry and frustrated about how a legislator voted but do it in a respectful and rational way. Taking out that frustration and anger in a disrespectful and irrational manner on legislators only cause them to dig their heels in and oppose your position harder. Just think of how you feel when someone gets in your face over something, you only resist harder.
This is something that the teachers need to learn over the reform proposals put forth by Superintendent Luna. Rein in the emotional and irrational outbursts (especially the ones who are acting out publicly) and engage in civil dialogue and when dealing privately with someone who supports the proposals. It would take them a lot further on the issue and possibly open an avenue to improving the proposals rather than face an all or nothing proposition. All this type of behavior is doing is driving public perception and opinion away and entrenching their opponents deeper to the point that no one will be willing to negotiate and compromise on this issue like was originally intended by the Founders. And some of those who are railing on the teachers for their behavior have acted the same way over issues they hold dear, so it is not just a one sided problem.
Second, is that the Statesman is right about the bill being nothing more than symbolic. Passing the bill will really not do anything major in changing or removing the onerous Obamacare. However, if enough states make the same symbolic gesture then MAYBE those in D.C. will actually start listening to the states and voters when they say something. There are times when joint resolutions coming out of the states are not enough and there needs to be a middle ground to getting the attention of the Federal Government outside of public disobedience and civil strife which can lead to nothing good in the end (just look at Egypt, Palestine, and Libya).
Overall, while I have issues with the logic behind many of the points of the Statesman's editorial piece, there were some good points to take away from it and at least one lesson to be learned.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Here is a great, yet simple, discussion of capitalism and the need for uninhibited free enterprise.
I, Pencil | Foundation for Economic Education:
Pocatello Navy recruiter offered fake notes to help students to protest Luna's plan «
This guy had better hope the Navy doesn't throw the book at him. He could lose his position, rank, and pay for being involved in a political issue using his position as a Navy recruiter. This is a BIG no no.
This guy had better hope the Navy doesn't throw the book at him. He could lose his position, rank, and pay for being involved in a political issue using his position as a Navy recruiter. This is a BIG no no.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Amazing how everyone of my teaching friends have unfriended me over my support for Luna's proposals and my opposition to the behavior of union members (teacher and otherwise) in WI and IN. And I am supposed to be the closed minded one? The funniest part about it all is that the last one who unfriended me gave me a big ration of crap about not wanting to debate the issues or hear opposing viewpoints when they thought I had unfriended them a couple of days ago and hadn't. (They were actually signed into their spouses account at the time.)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Nullification Hearing
Sadly the Senate State Affairs committee refused to vote HB117 out of
committee. Only Sen Fulcher voted in favor. The rest went against public opinion and muttered no with out looking at the audience. Kudos to Senators Davis and Hill who were men enough to state their reasons for opposition to the bill.
committee. Only Sen Fulcher voted in favor. The rest went against public opinion and muttered no with out looking at the audience. Kudos to Senators Davis and Hill who were men enough to state their reasons for opposition to the bill.
Nullification Hearing
So far only 2 have spoken against HB117. One was a unionista who believed it was the govt's duty was to take care of the people at all costs and the other who mangled and horribly misquoted James Madison.
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
My 13 year old son is receiving a better civics lesson today by attending the Senate State Affairs Committee than any teacher, including myself, could give him in any other setting. Glad he could join me today and has shown interest in the political process.
Nullification Hearing
There has been some great testimony using logic and rational thought. There also has been some emotional testimony that could have been more rational. Overall I give the testimony a B-.
Nullification Hearing
Lots of discussion about effects on private business as well as
consritutionally mandated state rights vs federal authority.
consritutionally mandated state rights vs federal authority.
Nullification Hearing
Sponsors have stated that this bill implements the Florida court decision that declared Obamacare unconstitutional and directs state agencies to not from implementation.
Nullification Hearing
Sponsors have stated that this bill implements the Florida court decision that declared Obamacare unconstitutional and directs state agencies to not from implementation.
Nullification Hearing
Waiting for the hearing to start. I even brought the oldest boy so he could see how the process works.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
I thought I had already set that option but apparently not. Thanks for the reminder.
Idaho Senate Passes 2 of the 3 Education Reform Bills!
The Idaho Senate has passed 2 of the 3 education reform bills and sent them on to the House. It appears that the House may wait for the Senate to pass the third before moving forward so the House can deal with all three bills at the same time.
Great Op-Ed by Dr. Peter Lillback Entitled Who's the Next George Washington, and What Will He or She Look Like? (On Glenn Beck's Website)
This is a great piece giving us all something to think about as we move into the next election cycle.'s-the-next...-like's-the-next...-like
If "Students Come First" is So Horrible, Where's the Counter-Proposal?
Having waded into the "Students Come First" controversy and seen the reaction from opponents, it makes me wonder how many of them have actually read and understand the proposals that Superintendent Luna has put forward. All I have heard is name calling, mudslinging, and references to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust as rebuttals to the proposals. With this type of reaction from opponents my best guess would be probably not and what they have only seen/heard are talking points and irrational claims of what the proposals would do should they be passed.
Here is a short list of what I have heard said or been called by opponents of Luna's proposals:
* You're a fascist/Nazi. (Actually fascists and Nazis are/were left-wing political organizations and admired by FDR and many Democrats during the 1930's until the reality of the Final Solution was finally faced. They freely used unions for their own nefarious agenda until they were no longer needed.)
* They came for the unions first then the Jews. (Not sure what this has to do with the issue and only makes the one making the statement look unhinged and irrational. Besides, the last time I checked no one was building a walled compound with "Work Shall Set You Free" above the entry gate.)
* Luna wants to destroy and turn the education system into private schools that we will have to pay to have our children educated in. (Reality check. We parents already pay to have our children educated. It's called paying taxes! There is no magical government fairy that pays the bill for us.)
* Luna's plan will take away the rights of the teachers. (Slavery is illegal in the United States the last time I checked. Besides the teachers will still have their jobs and will not be forced or coerced to engage in activities without pay. Let's not forget that the Constitution guarantees certain inalienable rights. None of which relates to collective bargaining, unions, or guaranteed pay/benefits.)
* Luna wants to go to all online education and get rid of teachers and school buildings. (Huh? That one just doesn't make any sense at all and is completely unattainable.)
* This is all about busting up the teacher's union. (Idaho is a right to work state meaning unions have little to no power here. That would be like blaming a previous president's administration for current problems. If anything, the argument that this is about keeping the teacher's union from gaining too much power would be more appropriate. And considering the budget holes in states with extremely powerful unions, that would be a good thing.)
If "Students Come First" is such a bad proposal then I would expect a well thought out and logical counter-proposal to come from the opponents rather than irrational and emotional outbursts that I have seen to this point. Why are there no counter-proposals outside of the stock responses of increase taxes and give education more money (above the 50-60% of the budget it already gets)? The state has thrown money at education for decades to really no avail. Money is not always the answer, it definitely isn't in this case, and tax increases in this type of economic climate is a non-starter.
I guess it would just be nice to see a realistic counter-proposal from the opponents of "Students Come First." There are some really intelligent educators out there, at least those I know are, and one would think that they could either come up with a full counter-proposal or at least be willing to sit down and carry on a civil debate and discussion on how to change and improve the proposed plan. Emotional and irrational outbursts will not improve the state's current situation, but civil discourse can (as long as it wasn't done on school computers during contract hours).
Here is a short list of what I have heard said or been called by opponents of Luna's proposals:
* You're a fascist/Nazi. (Actually fascists and Nazis are/were left-wing political organizations and admired by FDR and many Democrats during the 1930's until the reality of the Final Solution was finally faced. They freely used unions for their own nefarious agenda until they were no longer needed.)
* They came for the unions first then the Jews. (Not sure what this has to do with the issue and only makes the one making the statement look unhinged and irrational. Besides, the last time I checked no one was building a walled compound with "Work Shall Set You Free" above the entry gate.)
* Luna wants to destroy and turn the education system into private schools that we will have to pay to have our children educated in. (Reality check. We parents already pay to have our children educated. It's called paying taxes! There is no magical government fairy that pays the bill for us.)
* Luna's plan will take away the rights of the teachers. (Slavery is illegal in the United States the last time I checked. Besides the teachers will still have their jobs and will not be forced or coerced to engage in activities without pay. Let's not forget that the Constitution guarantees certain inalienable rights. None of which relates to collective bargaining, unions, or guaranteed pay/benefits.)
* Luna wants to go to all online education and get rid of teachers and school buildings. (Huh? That one just doesn't make any sense at all and is completely unattainable.)
* This is all about busting up the teacher's union. (Idaho is a right to work state meaning unions have little to no power here. That would be like blaming a previous president's administration for current problems. If anything, the argument that this is about keeping the teacher's union from gaining too much power would be more appropriate. And considering the budget holes in states with extremely powerful unions, that would be a good thing.)
If "Students Come First" is such a bad proposal then I would expect a well thought out and logical counter-proposal to come from the opponents rather than irrational and emotional outbursts that I have seen to this point. Why are there no counter-proposals outside of the stock responses of increase taxes and give education more money (above the 50-60% of the budget it already gets)? The state has thrown money at education for decades to really no avail. Money is not always the answer, it definitely isn't in this case, and tax increases in this type of economic climate is a non-starter.
I guess it would just be nice to see a realistic counter-proposal from the opponents of "Students Come First." There are some really intelligent educators out there, at least those I know are, and one would think that they could either come up with a full counter-proposal or at least be willing to sit down and carry on a civil debate and discussion on how to change and improve the proposed plan. Emotional and irrational outbursts will not improve the state's current situation, but civil discourse can (as long as it wasn't done on school computers during contract hours).
Here is the link to the ISDE site for Students Come First.
For those of you that either have not read or unsure about the "Students Come First" proposals, here is the link. It contains general information as well as the actual texts of the legislation.
Idaho State Department of Education - Students Come First:
Idaho State Department of Education - Students Come First:
The True Face and Intentions of Unions and Their Supporters?? I hope not.
Democrat urges unions to 'get a little bloody when necessary' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room:
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My Thoughts on Superintendent Luna's "Students Come First" Reform Proposals
I support the Superintendent's proposals. I have worked in education, policy, and politics for over a decade and like what I see. As a former member of the education field, I have seen many of the debated issues already in place at the district level (especially class size) initiated by district administration and/or individual school administration whether it was done by official policy or solely through accepted practice. These policies, I believe, will do well in regards to the students and help with potential future budgetary issues.
Having been in the political field for over a decade now whether at the professional, volunteer, or concerned citizen level, it has been a disappointment to see the emotional, rather than a rational, reaction exhibited by educators (in both public and private venues). As a word of advice to educators, such reactions are not helping your cause at all and it is turning public and political opinion against you. The harassment, name calling, and threats made towards Superintendent Luna (and his family), legislators, and citizens who support these reforms is appalling. I personally have been called names, compared to heinous historical figures, and told that I would never work in the education field again if I continued to support the proposed reforms. (If this is how professional educators act when such issues arise, then I have no desire to return to that field whatsoever.) The worst possible course of action that educators could have taken, and did, was the disrespectful testimony and behavior before a legislative committee. This not only made a mockery of the process, but only gained educators unsympathetic opponents both political and public. This behavior alone was enough to get the bill voted out of committee.
Educators have become their own worst enemies in regards to this issue. I really wonder how many have actually read the bills (and not just the notes provided to them by the teacher's union and other opponents to the reform proposal). The best thing that educators could do for their cause is to return to a rational level of discourse and provide their own counter-proposal (status quo, increased funding, and increased taxation will not fly as has been made quite clear by the economic and political climate). Another change educators should make is to discontinue the war cry claiming educators will lose all rights. It is a clearly a disingenuous argument and the last time I checked the bills will allow the educators to continue to have jobs and they will still get paid for their work the same as any other employed individual. There will be no coerced actions required by educators should these bill pass and no educators in the State of Idaho will be deprived of their rights outlined and protected by the Constitution.
Having been in the political field for over a decade now whether at the professional, volunteer, or concerned citizen level, it has been a disappointment to see the emotional, rather than a rational, reaction exhibited by educators (in both public and private venues). As a word of advice to educators, such reactions are not helping your cause at all and it is turning public and political opinion against you. The harassment, name calling, and threats made towards Superintendent Luna (and his family), legislators, and citizens who support these reforms is appalling. I personally have been called names, compared to heinous historical figures, and told that I would never work in the education field again if I continued to support the proposed reforms. (If this is how professional educators act when such issues arise, then I have no desire to return to that field whatsoever.) The worst possible course of action that educators could have taken, and did, was the disrespectful testimony and behavior before a legislative committee. This not only made a mockery of the process, but only gained educators unsympathetic opponents both political and public. This behavior alone was enough to get the bill voted out of committee.
Educators have become their own worst enemies in regards to this issue. I really wonder how many have actually read the bills (and not just the notes provided to them by the teacher's union and other opponents to the reform proposal). The best thing that educators could do for their cause is to return to a rational level of discourse and provide their own counter-proposal (status quo, increased funding, and increased taxation will not fly as has been made quite clear by the economic and political climate). Another change educators should make is to discontinue the war cry claiming educators will lose all rights. It is a clearly a disingenuous argument and the last time I checked the bills will allow the educators to continue to have jobs and they will still get paid for their work the same as any other employed individual. There will be no coerced actions required by educators should these bill pass and no educators in the State of Idaho will be deprived of their rights outlined and protected by the Constitution.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
I love it! A Twitter account named Union Thugs, which claims to be speaking for Idaho's teachers, wants to follow one of my Twitter accounts. The major extent of their tweets are sending messages of a sarcastic and browbeating nature to legislators and supporters of Superintendent Luna's reform efforts. You would think that intelligent teachers could be a little more rational than that.
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Congressmen Simpson and Labrador vote to defund job killing Obamacare.
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Now this is how it should be done when public employee unions get out of hand and demand more power and control. They need to be reminded that they work for us.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
For those of you in Idaho and other right to work states who are just itching to get rid of the right to work provisions and allow unions to run amok, just look at the harassment that Superintendent Luna is enduring and the out of union control protests that are occurring in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan (and also coming soon to additional states near you according to organizers). Oh, by the way, these protests are gleefully and enthusiastically co-sponsored by Obama's Organizing for America, state Democratic party organizations, and the DNC as well as receiving direct encouragement and moral support from Obama himself. Or you could just look at the enormous budget deficits union heavy states are currently dealing with. Unions had their usefulness but that time passed many years ago and they have become nothing but a parasite on every government and business they extort and bully.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence; true friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks and adversity before it is entitled to the appellation." --George Washington, Letter to Bushrod Washington, 1783
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Here is the text from a press release from the Idaho State Republican Party regarding the recent harassment towards Superintendent Tom Luna:
Idaho Republican Party State Chairman Norm Semanko issued the following statement in response to the recent incidents of harassment toward Superintendent Luna:
"This is what happens when you step out and fight against the status quo. As Idahoans we cannot let these scare tactics win,” said Semanko. "The Students Come First plan has obviously touched a nerve and rightly so. We know the opposition's rhetoric and misinformation has gotten us to this point today, and we cannot let these hostile tactics win in the end. We must do what's right for Idaho students.”
Over the weekend an angry teacher showed up at Luna's mother's home, last night Luna's truck was spray painted and his tires slashed, and there have been multiple incidents of harassment in public venues.
"Up to this point, the vocal minority has been spreading their propaganda without much resistance from the majority of Idahoans who support the plan. It's time for that to change. It's time for Idahoans who care about education to step up and take the time to express their support for Governor Otter and Superintendent Luna's plan through civil means: contact their legislators, write letters to the editor, post on social media, and talk to their family and friends.”
Idaho Republican Party State Chairman Norm Semanko issued the following statement in response to the recent incidents of harassment toward Superintendent Luna:
"This is what happens when you step out and fight against the status quo. As Idahoans we cannot let these scare tactics win,” said Semanko. "The Students Come First plan has obviously touched a nerve and rightly so. We know the opposition's rhetoric and misinformation has gotten us to this point today, and we cannot let these hostile tactics win in the end. We must do what's right for Idaho students.”
Over the weekend an angry teacher showed up at Luna's mother's home, last night Luna's truck was spray painted and his tires slashed, and there have been multiple incidents of harassment in public venues.
"Up to this point, the vocal minority has been spreading their propaganda without much resistance from the majority of Idahoans who support the plan. It's time for that to change. It's time for Idahoans who care about education to step up and take the time to express their support for Governor Otter and Superintendent Luna's plan through civil means: contact their legislators, write letters to the editor, post on social media, and talk to their family and friends.”
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Come join Congressman Labrador as he holds his first town hall meeting in Coeur d'Alene. It is scheduled for Monday, February 21st from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Eagles Lodge (209 E. Sherman Ave, Coeur d'Alene).
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Idaho schools chief targeted in multiple harassment incidents:
So this is the way that discourse is going in Idaho in regards to issues regarding education. Forget debating the issues with logic, just demonize, harass, and terrorize opponents. Looks like some of Luna's reform opponents have gone off the deep end because they haven't been able to successfully use logic and reasoning in their efforts or choose not to. It's sad really.
So this is the way that discourse is going in Idaho in regards to issues regarding education. Forget debating the issues with logic, just demonize, harass, and terrorize opponents. Looks like some of Luna's reform opponents have gone off the deep end because they haven't been able to successfully use logic and reasoning in their efforts or choose not to. It's sad really.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Here is a group for those who support Superintendent Luna's reform proposals: Idahoans for Luna's "Students Come First" Reform:
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Having dinner with friends and family. What more could you ask for....
Friday, February 11, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Taking the new laptop out for a spin.... Now Tonya can use her's in peace without worrying about whether I've stolen it or not.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Post from corey at CHUM.LY
Had a great day getting some of the needed items for my new adventure. I still have a lot left to do before heading out Sunday and I am very excited to get going. Nothing like being able to mix two things I enjoy and be able to earn money doing it. I am getting to live the dream.
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