Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excellent Wall Street Journal Op-Ed on Obama's Economic Speech Last Night

Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider -

I would say that the WSJ had no love for Obama or his politically charged economic speech last night. In fact I would dare say that the WSJ is right and the only reason for the speech was a very public attempt to crush the Republican proposal and its supporters to the point that public opinion will continue to believe that the status-quo is okay and that Republicans only want to kill old people, starve children, and kick cute little puppies in the evilest of ways. Below is some of the opening remarks in the op-ed that enlightens the reader as to the direction that the WSJ was headed in its critique of yesterday's speech:

"Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama's fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign... Mr. Obama ... packaged his poison in the rhetoric of bipartisanship—which 'starts,' he said, 'by being honest about what's causing our deficit.' The speech he chose to deliver was dishonest even by modern political standards."

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