Monday, July 11, 2011

The Liberal Moral Standard as Revealed by James Taggart in Atlas Shrugged.

As I read this tirade by James Taggart in Atlas Shrugged, it hit me that this was the whole essence and embodiment of the liberal moral standard and belief of today:

"Why can't I have my wish as you always have yours? Why shouldn't I be given the fulfillment of my desires as you always fulfill any desire of your own? Why should you be happy while I suffer?... You proclaim the pursuit of happiness, but you doom me to frustration. Don't I have the right to demand any form of happiness I choose? Isn't that a debt which you owe me?...

"It's your sin if I suffer! It's your moral failure!... I'm your responsibility, but you've failed to supply my wants, therefore you're guilty! All of mankind's moral leaders have said so for centuries... you're so proud of yourself you think that you're pure and good- but you can't be good, so long as I'm wretched. My misery is the measure of your sin. My contentment is the measure of your virtue. I want this kind of world, today's world, it gives me my share of authority, it allows me to feel important - make it work for me! - do something!... it's your problem and your duty! You have the privilege of strength, but I - I have the right of weakness! That's a moral absolute!"

The part that struck me so hard, you "have the privilege of strength, but I... have the right of weakness," is the crux of the liberal moral standard. Those who are strong and productive, according to liberals, have a moral duty to provide for the weak's contentment, authority, and feeling of importance, with the weak having the moral right to demand and receive it from them. Until society is liberated from this belief, all talk about spending cuts, deficit reduction, and taxation will be for naught because the clamor for more social spending and "shared sacrifice" by the rich will be too raucous for the majority of politicians to ignore and openly stand against.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ada sheriff Nobody treated for concussion while Sen. McGee in custody (via

So who's not telling the truth? If the concussion is still diagnosable after McGee was released and was the cause of his "uncharacteristic" behavior, why did it go unnoticed when he was booked? Or is it rather a convenient excuse that gives everyone in the situation cover and concealment for the final decision made? You decide.

Sen. Reid Introduces Looter Bill in the Senate in the Name of Shared Sacrifice!

"A bill to express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit." Sponsored by Sens. Reid, Lautenberg, Sanders, and Whitehouse. I am beginning to feel that I have fallen into the book Atlas Shrugged and am watching Wesley Mouch, Jim Taggert, and Orren Boyle at work in real time. Those who are being castigated by these progressively clueless Senators already provide more than any other economic category to the federal coffers. This is nothing more than a bill justify looting the producers of this country. The question is, what will these people do after they have looted all of the money from those who produce and keep this country's economic engine running.

The text of the bill is as follows:

S. 1323

To express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit.


June 30, 2011

Mr. REID introduced the following bill; which was read twice and ordered to be placed on the calendar


To express the sense of the Senate on shared sacrifice in resolving the budget deficit.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) Findings- Congress makes the following findings:

(1) The Wall Street Journal reports that median pay for chief financial officers of S&P 500 companies increased 19 percent to $2,900,000 last year.

(2) Over the past 10 years, the median family income has declined by more than $2,500.

(3) Twenty percent of all income earned in the United States is earned by the top 1 percent of individuals.

(4) Over the past quarter century, four-fifths of the income gains accrued to the top 1 percent of individuals.

(b) Sense of the Senate- It is the sense of the Senate that any agreement to reduce the budget deficit should require that those earning $1,000,000 or more per year make a more meaningful contribution to the deficit reduction effort.

Friday, July 1, 2011

John McGee Skates While the Reputation of the Justice System Pays

This is a sad day. McGee skated by and the reputation of the justice system paid the price. If this had been an "average" citizen there would have most likely been no plea bargain, no deal. If there were, it would have been the DUI that would have been dropped rather than the felony. This was done to save the political career of a "rising star" pure and simple. So much for taking responsibility for one's actions. This is a microcosm of where this country is headed. If you are the "right" kind of person or have the "right" kind of friends then you have nothing to worry about. Both sides hypocritically do it to protect their own while castigating the other side for the same type of behavior. Will this pervasive cultural attitude ever change back to what is once was and should be? Do people want those who refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions to be their leaders? Asking these questions are about as worthless as asking who is John Galt.